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The goal is to tell people about Christ Conviction is not ours.

  As a Christian, I believe in the unconditional love of God for all people. This includes those who may not share my beliefs or live according to what I perceive as God's will. While I may disagree with certain actions or beliefs, I am called to love my neighbor as myself.

Here are a few key points to consider:

  • God's Grace: God's grace is abundant and extends to everyone. It's not based on our performance or adherence to rules, but on His love for us.
  • Individual Choices: Each person is responsible for their own choices. While I may believe certain paths align more with God's will, it's not my place to judge or condemn others.
  • The Power of Love: Love can be a powerful force for change.
    We can create a more understanding and accepting world by showing love and compassion to those who may not share our beliefs.


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