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Showing posts with the label Dead

Faith in God Is Dead...

what happened? we took prayer out of schools, we don't pray before we eat, what are we telling God. As long as things are good we're great, when the ball rolls down hill we want help. we tell God that if he will do this or if he will do that then we will praise him, we ask for money to  pay  bills, when we have foolishly over spent. if God don't deliver we say he does not exist. we don't believe in marriage  that has been replaced with "lets be roommates" then if we get pregnant it just doesn't seem  work out. we cheat sometimes with friends, and wonder why we're all alone. Faith in God is dead for the non-believer who wants a miracle around the clock. you see the sun but you let man say a big bang put it there. you see the moon sleep and rise but scientific evidence is a better explanation. God gave us every fowl of the air and every living creature, you see his glory all around the world, but still you believe we evolved from apes! I guess its bette...