what happened? we took prayer out of schools, we don't pray before we eat, what are we telling God. As long as things are good we're great, when the ball rolls down hill we want help. we tell God that if he will do this or if he will do that then we will praise him, we ask for money to pay bills, when we have foolishly over spent. if God don't deliver we say he does not exist. we don't believe in marriage that has been replaced with "lets be roommates" then if we get pregnant it just doesn't seem work out. we cheat sometimes with friends, and wonder why we're all alone. Faith in God is dead for the non-believer who wants a miracle around the clock. you see the sun but you let man say a big bang put it there. you see the moon sleep and rise but scientific evidence is a better explanation. God gave us every fowl of the air and every living creature, you see his glory all around the world, but still you believe we evolved from apes! I guess its better to believe man than God, but man can't save you from hell. I worked with an atheist, one of the smartest men I ever worked for but also the dumbest, you know sometimes you can be so smart till your dumb. http://amzn.com/B01CIY3M0U
this person was my boss he always had a joke about Christ, he said the bible was fake and re-written a thousand times, well I would reply maybe that's true, but in the world you can see his glory, my boss went from Christ to Muslim from Muslim to atheist. I would say hes confused, sometimes we as people don't want to follow God's law so its better to say awful things, this man had no religion but that never stopped me from praying that God would have mercy on his soul. one day we were talking and he told me it was him who found this job ,it was him who went to college, and it was him who worked to get in his position. I waited till he was finish putting his self high and I replied it is God who giveth and God who taketh , only by God are you in authority and only by God will you keep it. needless to say i quit and maybe three months after the company was firing him. the employees called to tell of his demise, one part of me was excited for all the wrong he had down the other part fell on my knees because God's judgement was upon him. I know what its like to be in debt and i know what its like to hurt so i began to pray that God would have mercy on him. I tell you guys for this reason God is not dead he is surely alive and if you would cast your burdens on him the pain will be lifted. Trust God with your finances, Trust God with that Child Trust God with that marriage and watch the impossible happen.
God dont live in impossible, He lives in possible

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