I was the only one who had some, Faith that is. I had no mother to get wisdom from, I had no friends to depend on never knew my father till I was thirty so I took my chances. Writing was hard, I had no writing degree what was I thinking? their must be thousands of talented writers waiting for the shot I needed.
I didn't come from a family of means, Quite the opposite. In my pain I found peace writing was my only escape. I started writing to live the life I couldn't. I was jealous of anyone who had family. Don't get me wrong I had my Grandma, but she was not my mother. There isn't a substitute. I was jealous of anyone who lived better than me. One day I picked up a pen I had an overwhelming urge that I could be a writer,
We work hard at jobs we hate, We Gossip about people who have more, one year later where are you? still complaining about the boss you hate. Still in that relationship that's going nowhere.
This is just a few tips that I have learned along the way.. Like you I have read every self help book I could put my hands on. They all seem to say the same thing:
1. Get started
2. don't give up
3 make a plan
Ok so how many are rich from the SECRET? what is the Secret to massive wealth? I realized what these books had in common - PERSISTANCE. You have to fight for what you want. keep your dream in front daily but work hard at your current job. you must shed some pounds. shed some weight, you heard right. Let go of anything and anybody who is not moving in your direction.
I lost loved ones on this journey I lost friends who was secretly envious. I gained more than I lost, I began to do what the other 90% wasn't. I changed my thought and that's hard. Oh! you say its not, try going 14 days without thinking or saying anything negative. Fast forward I tried everything to keep close friends associated with me while writing. I noticed when your going up the ladder faster than your friends and family it's a problem. Well Bloopy was seven years in the making. I had a husband and children while juggling a 9 to 5. Hey sounds like most Americans. As I said there is nothing special about me except I got tired of saying what I could do. I was tired of waiting on someone to help me so I helped myself. This is for anyone who is tired of being tired. No matter what has happened you can be who you want to be.
I didn't come from a family of means, Quite the opposite. In my pain I found peace writing was my only escape. I started writing to live the life I couldn't. I was jealous of anyone who had family. Don't get me wrong I had my Grandma, but she was not my mother. There isn't a substitute. I was jealous of anyone who lived better than me. One day I picked up a pen I had an overwhelming urge that I could be a writer,
We work hard at jobs we hate, We Gossip about people who have more, one year later where are you? still complaining about the boss you hate. Still in that relationship that's going nowhere.
This is just a few tips that I have learned along the way.. Like you I have read every self help book I could put my hands on. They all seem to say the same thing:
1. Get started
2. don't give up
3 make a plan
Ok so how many are rich from the SECRET? what is the Secret to massive wealth? I realized what these books had in common - PERSISTANCE. You have to fight for what you want. keep your dream in front daily but work hard at your current job. you must shed some pounds. shed some weight, you heard right. Let go of anything and anybody who is not moving in your direction.
I lost loved ones on this journey I lost friends who was secretly envious. I gained more than I lost, I began to do what the other 90% wasn't. I changed my thought and that's hard. Oh! you say its not, try going 14 days without thinking or saying anything negative. Fast forward I tried everything to keep close friends associated with me while writing. I noticed when your going up the ladder faster than your friends and family it's a problem. Well Bloopy was seven years in the making. I had a husband and children while juggling a 9 to 5. Hey sounds like most Americans. As I said there is nothing special about me except I got tired of saying what I could do. I was tired of waiting on someone to help me so I helped myself. This is for anyone who is tired of being tired. No matter what has happened you can be who you want to be.
Bloopy By Simone Faith
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