Good Morning,
Today I thought we should discuss abuse. People all around the world is being abused, right now as we speak someone is dying. Let me began by saying there is help, there are organizations that will help you to safety.
let's talk about some of the warning signs:
- Accuses you of having an affair
- Blames you for abuse
- Criticizes you
- Tells you what to wear and how you should look
- Threatens to kill you or someone close to you
- Throws things or punches walls when angry
- Yells at you and makes you feel small
- Have you guys noticed that after all this abuse we stay, we love and we try
I am telling you that abuse is never okay, abuse is physical,emotional and most times financial.
you can live in safety, you are loved, stop hiding and get some help before its to late.
Call the police, make a report, most important leave, run if you must but save the life of you and your children
1. Samaritan house
2. Kids first
4. Hopeline Clothesline
this is just a few places that offers help..
and remember try and have a bag packed with a few things you made need, keep it somewhere safe, and when its to go run and keep running like your life depends on it(and most time it does).
Coming from abuse means getting help so you don't become the abuser!
anyone can be a victim, always be aware of the warning signs