

new kids book

No Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEY HEY HEY! are you a busy parent?Time you never have. you go to work- punch the clock,  home and punch the  clock and before the end of the night, your wiped out. wait a minute you hear the pitter patter of tiny feet, almost begging you to read a story, what to do? pick up the new book called Bloopy by simone faith. this is a ten page quick read about a purple dino- dog that loves to eat  numbered acorns, you can find the book online at all major retailers.. if you would like to order a book call me


The hate I have is the hate I give inside, since I was a small child. raised by the streets lots of death plenty of grief no one to hold me no one to love me I equated love with pain I am a child I cry inside sometimes soft sometimes loud I wish my life never happened my mother so young and fast as the sun different fathers different men still the same ole sin I see a small light I hear the word's It will be alright I hear God whisper oh my child you are wonderfully made I knew you before you were born hold onto me have faith, and trust me trust me to guide trust me to lead all I ask Is for you to have faith as small as a mustard seed

He Forgot and i'm tired

I spoke to a friend today, she was really upset. The problem  was shocking! her husband had not touched her for months. First I laughed then I asked did she have someone else? she responded of course not I am a Christian. UM WHAT? I had no comeback for that. They had been married for almost twenty years and the sex had just fizzled. She explained that for many years her husband was addicted to porn,  a seven year age difference, and she said he packed on a few pounds. I asked my friend did she still love him? the answer was NO. I said no, well why are you staying? she said I am comfortable, he pays all the bills and I have little worries. I was so sad to hear that, I mean I believe in marriage also, But I do believe in separating. This was hard as I could hear the tears through the phone. I said please explain, start from the beginning. When i met my husband i was full of life. I had two kids before we met, my own place a great job and good friends. he was a devout christian or at l

Domestic Violence

Good Morning, Today I thought we should discuss abuse. People all around the world is being abused, right now as we speak someone is dying. Let me began by saying there is help, there are organizations that will help you to safety.  let's talk about some of the warning signs: Accuses you of having an affair Blames you for abuse Criticizes you Tells you what to wear and how you should look Threatens to kill you or someone close to you Throws things or punches walls when angry Yells at you and makes you feel small  Have you guys noticed that after all this abuse we stay, we love and we try I am telling you that abuse is never okay, abuse is physical,emotional and most times financial. you can live in safety, you are loved, stop hiding and get some help before its to late. Call the police, make a report, most important leave, run if you must but save the life of you and your children 1. Samaritan house 2. Kids first 3. YWCA 4. Hopeline Clothesline


WOW I want a snicker so bad. But I quit my job, okay, what have I done! I sent my manuscript to about 20 publishers no response. This is harder than I thought. Keyword thought you are what you believe. I believe I am smart and creative, I am a person who should have never quit. Back to the drawing board. I have two interviews set up, there ok nothing special but it will pay the bills. So I have a dream is it working? can't say for sure but this day two and I have been hustling, That manuscript and for a better job. strange thing I am not worried as much I have left that up to God and I keep moving. I pray a lot and my affirmation is Everyday In Everyway I am getting better and better I say it three times a day, tonight day two I will say it until I fall asleep. so that is it until tomorrow, round one of interviews

Can You Be Convicted of being a Christian: Can You Be Convicted of being a Christian: ITS NOT...

Can You Be Convicted of being a Christian: Can You Be Convicted of being a Christian: ITS NOT... : Can You Be Convicted of being a Christian: ITS NOT EASY TO ACCEPT YOU MAY DIE ALONE.. : Are you nasty to everyone you meet? Do you have frie...